
To Inform you about the Workshop

Die jaar 2019 het gevlieg en ons het nou reeds byna ses maande agter die rug. Dinge het so vinnig gebeur dat ons skaars grond gevat het. Baie dankie vir almal se ondersteuning en bydraes om die Werksplek voort te laat bestaan. 
Thank you for all the donations and support. We completed a few projects and we have a Winter Market to look forward to. We have a challenge that threw a spanner in the works: THE FLU. According to the doctors the flu injections came to late ad that is why so many of our beneficiaries have come down with the flu. 

Summerfields Primary donated fans for the kitchen and the Raffle 2019 winner was Hennie Dalton. We are grateful for everyone’s support in our efforts to raise funds to keep the East Rand Protective Workshop afloat. 
Die Werksplek het ‘n paar projekte aangepak. Die eerste was om le hoenders te bekom sodat ons die koshuis kan voorsien asook om te verkoop vir fondse. Ons het weereens ondersteuning van Noag se Mark gekry. 
 The other project is our Permaculture garden with a hothouse. Capital Constructions helped us with their TLB to dig the trenches to build the raised beds. Prodist fixed our borehole with a new pump. We can now water the vegetables and grow herbs and whatever we need.    

Onder die waaksame oe van twee personeellede, Marie Dalton en Percy Phillipson is ons mense besig om items te maak vir die Wintermark van 27 Julie 2019. Die aankoop dikteskaaf is moontlik gemak deur Hester Badenhorst wat kontant donasies gekry het om die skaaf aan te koop. Die skaaf help om die palet planke gelyk te skaaf vir beter produkte.    
We have a contract with the Bible Society to cut and complete a small pipe as a way to raise funds for Bible distribution. We have to cut 10 000 x 6cm pipes, add a sticker and a letter inside that will be distributed to churches and communities. 

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